Carbon Management Services

Innovative solutions


In the agricultural sector, the main sources of emissions come from land use change and land management practices at the farm level. We have the knowledge and technical expertise to accelerate net-zero goals. With ECOM’s boots on the ground presence in over 40 countries, we offer a wide range of opportunities for reduction and removal projects. 

ECOM accounts for GHG emissions and removals across its supply chain in alignment with the GHG Protocol, providing reliable estimation to clients and stakeholders.

Read more about how we deliver impact for climate and livelihoods

Our services

Supporting your climate journey

Sourcing low carbon commodities

Implementing interventions to achieve accountable reductions and removals aligned to GHG protocol requirements to achieve your climate goals

Carbon credits

Recognizing our role within the supply chain and the additional impact we can have on farmers and clients, ECOM has taken a step forward to generate, finance, and offer high quality carbon credits

Reductions and removals


Around one fourth of global emissions come from agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors. It  involves intricate carbon flows, with both emissions and removals occurring on farms. At ECOM, we can measure these flows by offering solutions like carbon footprinting of the commodities we trade using our Green Meter calculators. 

We collaborate on projects that enhance farm productivity and resilience through the development of carbon assets, optimizing carbon capture and minimizing emissions to support sustainable agricultural practices and contribute to a healthier environment. This is necessary to reach our climate goals and we do this by leveraging the skills of our SMS agronomists and field technicians. 

ECOM offers on farm removal and reduction interventions that contribute to climate goals and allows companies to source lower carbon commodities




What role does ECOM have

in Carbon credits?

We focus on natural climate solutions such as REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), reforestation, agroforestry, and agricultural land management, alongside biochar production and community-based projects such as cookstoves and water sanitation. ECOM is committed to driving positive environmental change while fostering positive impact on project stakeholders.



Sale of high quality carbon credits to clients

Development carbon credit projects in our origins

Finance new carbon credit projects