
Public announcement to disclose the purchase of tokens by EISA, subsidiary of the ECOM Group in Brazil


EISA is a pioneer in supporting new climate technologies, demonstrated by their purchasing of traceable environmental tokens from Bluebell Index. It is part of the ECOM Group, which is one of the largest global merchants in coffee, cotton, and cocoa trading. EISA itself trades coffee and cotton.


EISA announced the purchase of environmental tokens from Bluebell Index, a climate fintech, which offers high quality environmental data on carbon, soil, water, and biodiversity. Environmental tokens are digital units that represent the environmental benefits generated by Nature Based Solutions projects.


Through this purchase, EISA reinforces its commitment to sustainability and innovation, and its continuous investment to mitigate climate change. This is the first trade in the world of traceable environmental assets that include information on the entire project since inception, using blockchain technology marking a new paradigm for the global environmental market.



Origin of these tokens


The origin of the tokens that were acquired by EISA is the Bom Jardim Pascoal farm located in São Vicente de Minas, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Situated in the Atlantic Forest biome, its main activities are agriculture and livestock, which are performed above legal and environmental requirements, and has allowed for the improvement of carbon stocks in the farm.



About Bluebell Index


Bluebell Index is a developer and certifier with a proprietary methodology that uses cutting-edge science and technology to facilitate rural landowners' access to the market for traceable environmental assets. This reduces entry barriers, as the program is carried out in partnership with rural landowners without any direct cost, a shorter-term implementation, and with a greater environmental coverage than the conventional carbon market. It promotes additional revenue to landowners and rewards them for implementing the best production and preservation practices. Buyers (corporations and governments) who are interested in investing in climate change mitigation have access to a token that combines traceability, integrity, science, and technology which makes the product trustworthy. Hence, eliminating reputational risk and reinforcing commitments to meet environmental goals. Part of the Bluebell Index's revenue is directed to Private Social Investment.



About the ECOM Group


The ECOM Group, founded in 1849, is one of the largest and most respected commodities trading companies in the world, focusing on sustainability and social responsibility. The company has 40 offices in 35 commodity-producing countries, offering origin services, processing and distribution services. Its main products are coffee, cotton and cocoa, but it also operates in other agricultural segments. The group is renowned in the markets where it is present: it is one of the two largest coffee traders in the world; it has the largest coffee mill on the planet; it is among the four largest in the cocoa sector and among the five largest in the cotton sector. These rankings demonstrate its commitment to innovation and leadership in the soft commodities industry.


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