Case study: Sogimex Coffee Drying, Honduras


In 2004, Sogimex pioneered the SMS Coffee Program in Honduras with immediate success, as no less than 200 producers from Marcala, the region tested, joined the effort. Marcala is a wetmilling operation for Sogimex, where the company is closest to the producers who bring us their cherry harvest each day.



Currently, the program comprises 2,332 producers with better quality of coffee, resulting in more engagement, more focus, and more sustainability. Previously, the productivity per ha was 11 bags of 60kg. Now, crop productivity figures are up to 2.5 times more superior, and up to 27 bags of 60kg per ha. The secret lies in SMS’s dedicated team’s scientific approach on the ground. Each parcel of land is analyzed and applied a specific nutrition program throughout the fertilizing months. Hence, there has been an average growth rate of 8% productivity per year since 2004. In addition, they harvest the fruits of the extensive field work of their agronomists: close bonds are created by constant visits, better farming practices stem from teaching and advising, and a noble image consequent to meaningful and impactful projects is conducted together with their clients.



Additional initiatives have been created. As an example, they have a project funded by Kenco and managed by Sogimex and Fundes (corporate consultant) called "Coffee vs. Gang’s", where they mentor 40 teenagers who are socially "at risk" over a two-year period, on the whole spectrum of coffee farming, from seed to economic management. Opening new horizons… "Lo Nuestro es la Sostenabilidad."

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